The Reykjavik Grapevine's Podcast

RVK Futurecast #4: David Gunnarsson, the CEO of Dohop

Bala Season 7 Episode 4

The 4th episode of #FutureCast is a conversation with David Gunnarsson, the CEO of Dohop. David and Bala Kamallakharan, the host of FutureCast, have known each other for over a decade and Bala has been following the Dohop journey from the very early days. They talk about doing the impossible, i.e. raising funding for a travel company during a pandemic when almost all travel is prohibited. They also discuss how David got into the business of startups and what it means to build a company focused on technology whilst dealing with some of the traditional businesses like Airlines and the travel industry. This is a Christmas special, as it was a miracle for the startup community in Iceland to have one of the companies that was founded during the financial crisis raise significant funding for growing the team in Iceland.